
Mass effect filtering mode
Mass effect filtering mode

mass effect filtering mode

Generally, there are three types of data used in the configuration files: For example: "GiveBonusTalent 14", "givebonustalent 14", "GIVEBONUSTALENT 14", and "Givebonustalent 14" will all yield the same result. When entering commands in the console, you may use any case, or combination of cases, you prefer. Note, however, that this is merely a writing convention. For example: the 'Caps Lock' key will be written as CapsLock, 'Right mouse button' will be written as RightMouseButton, etc. The configuration files implement the CamelCase writing style for functions and variables names. Installation of a patch will overwrite changes made to the configuration files, and update their version (indicated at the bottom of each file).

  • Game Patches: BioWare have released two patches that fix various issues.
  • Alternatively, you can archive the folder to avoid confusion. A good way to do this is to copy the Mass Effect or Config folder to a safe place.
  • Backup your files: To ensure that your gaming experience will not be damaged, make sure to back up every file that you are about to change.
  • mass effect filtering mode mass effect filtering mode

    Those files will be prefixed with the word Default (to avoid editing them by mistake). By default they are located at 'X:\Program Files\Mass Effect\BioGame\Config'. If it fails to do so, or if the files have incorrect data, the game will read the default config files that are located in the folder where you installed your game.

  • Files location: The Mass Effect game will read the files inside the Config folder.
  • (%SystemDrive% will be replaced with the drive letter where your Windows system is installed on following a colon, and %Username% with the current user that you are logged into the system with.)
  • On Windows Vista/7/8/10: %SystemDrive%\Users\%Username%\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config.
  • On Windows XP/2000: %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%Username%\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config.
  • All of the changes that are described in this article should only be tested on the files in the documents folder:

    Mass effect filtering mode